Music To Drink Tea To - 008 - Salllvage
"And while the bubbling and loud-hissing urn
Throws up a steamy column, and the cups,
That cheer but not inebriate, wait on each,
So let us welcome peaceful evening in."
salllvage (Rowan Savage) is a proud Kombumerri man, living on Wangal Land. He is a producer, DJ and dancer working at the intersection of queer club culture and connection with Country. His work mutates field recordings into electronica, and aims to inhabit
and bridge the tensions between abstraction and emotion, the wild bush and the dancefloor, the personal and the social, authenticity and reconstruction."
All ambient sounds recorded on Kombumerri Country ('Gold Coast,' 'Australia')
Vocal samples: Uncle Jack Charles; 'Iskander: Shadow of the River'
Miiesha - Neon Moon
Seej - Ursula
Arve Henriksen - Towards Language
Soundwalk Collective & Mulatu Astatke - Where All Hearts Opened
salllvage - Gaguru Revenant
Phil Struck - Baizubai
Ana Roxanne - Camille
Antena - Camino Del Sol
Conejx - Kintsugi (baile flip)
DJ Python - Rosada
DJ One Go - Paraíso
QOQEQA - Kshanti
JFS x Nick Leon - Astral Dynamics
Waak Waak Djungi - Kuburu
e fishpool - end (evelyn)
acadjmia - They All Have Names
Lucrecia Dalt - Espesa
amby downs - yuwarra-y / dhinagarralawaa (stages of grieving)
YL Hooi - Stranger
Christine Anu - Sik-O
Pent - intra7
$ayonara - Kotama.小珠
David Bowie & Brian Eno - The Man Who Sold the World (1995)
Jeff Propulsion - Contorted Myself Into Gnosis Only To Piss Myself
DEAN POPLI - space-death, glassy-clear
Pontiac Streator - Stuck In A Cave
Lighght - care2kno
Diego Navarro - Bara No Seidou
The Aluminum Group - Good-Bye Goldfish, Hi Piranha
rebe - tocame el culo