Music To Drink Tea To - 009 - Morten HD
This eclectic mix comes via Morten HD; made for us at the end of 2020 and un-intentionally aged until now. From the tea-stained mouth itself:
"I put together this mix with you in mind. A collection of stuff I've bought on bandcamp the past year and music sent to me or released by my friends. A handful of my own tracks are in the mix too. It ranges from ambient to black metal with some instrumental grime and experimental club music in between. I usually record mixes using a midi controller, but this is so long and I don't really have my equipment as I absconded to my family's house in a region with next to no infections. Took an early holiday to escape the hot spot that is Oslo. I've mostly existed in the experimental club landscape, releasing weird records with equally weird people for the past 6 years. I live in Oslo in Norway although I was born and spent most of my life on the southwest coast of the country, a region dominated by the oil industry. Got into tea a couple of years after I released my first record (on Extasis Records out of Mexico) and have been following you and drinking your tea since you started up. Vector still packs a punch. Three years ago I started working on a project with one of my best friends Sindre. We named it Wetware Solutions. It's dark music about our present and future, although our next release will be more optimistic and utopian."
And the paid-for-and-official-press-bio:
"Morten_HD is an Oslo-based artist known for his anachronistic referencing of all manner of sounds from the gothic to the ultra-modern.
MortenHD is musically hard to pin down through the way he extrapolates UK rave music’s defining characteristics into unknown territory, refusing to comply with what we think of as steadfast rules of song structure and timbre. His 2016 Apothecary Composition cassette release has been described by Tiny Mix Tapes as being ‘carved out of trauma, depletion, excess, and palpitation;’ an apt description given how much emotion he works into just one element of a song. Morten HD is an abstract expressionist who creates instinctively and viscerally from within.
As well as deriving influence from the black metal of his youth, his music also references jungle film-scores and ambient music. In 2019 he released his first black metal hybrid effort, Kollaps on the Oslo based label Kropp uten grenser. For the duration of locked down and locked in year that is 2020, his releases has been archival in nature. He has been letting loose a torrent of unreleased material. An album of tense music inspired by Cold War espionage thrillers from the recently departed John Le Carre and others in Naphtha 2, a follow up to his release on Visual Disturbances in 2015. An album constructed out of grief and gnosis in Origins of the Worlds of Light, and several other smaller releases containing traces of his past."